How Do You Max Out Your Social Stats in Persona 5?

Persona 5 is a popular role-playing video game known for its immersive storyline and unique gameplay mechanics. In addition to battling shadows and exploring dungeons, players can also engage in various social activities to improve their social stats. These stats, including knowledge, charm, proficiency, kindness, and guts, play a crucial role in the game, allowing players to unlock new confidants, gain valuable abilities, and enhance their overall experience. In this article, we will delve into the strategies and techniques to “How Do You Max Out Your Social Stats in Persona 5?”.

How Do You Max Out Your Social Stats in Persona 5?

To help you level up your social stats effectively in Persona 5, here are some actionable bullet points:

Read books:

Reading books in the game not only expands your knowledge but also improves your social stats. Keep an eye out for bookstores and libraries where you can purchase and borrow books on various subjects.

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Study at the library:

The library is an excellent place to focus on improving your knowledge. Spend time studying there to boost your academic abilities and increase your knowledge stat.

Watch movies:

Visiting the theater and watching movies can increase your charm. Choose movies that align with the charm stat to gain the maximum benefit.

Work part-time jobs:

Part-time jobs not only provide a source of income but also offer opportunities to develop your social stats. Each job has different stat requirements, so choose wisely.

Complete crossword puzzles:

Crossword puzzles can be found in the back of certain magazines. By solving them, you can improve your knowledge and gain additional stat points.

Take part in the Big Bang Burger challenge:

The Big Bang Burger challenge is a daunting eating contest that tests your guts. Participating in and completing the challenge will significantly increase your guts stat.

Visit the bathhouse:

Relaxing at the bathhouse helps improve your charm. Make it a habit to visit regularly and unwind after a long day of battling shadows.

Work out at the gym:

Regular exercise at the gym enhances your proficiency. Engage in strength training and cardio exercises to level up your physical abilities.

Donate to the shrine:

Donating money to the shrine demonstrates kindness and boosts your kindness stat. The more you contribute, the greater the increase in your kindness.

Feed the plant in your room:

Taking care of the plant in your room not only adds a touch of greenery but also improves your kindness. Remember to water it regularly to see your kindness grow.

Cook at Café Leblanc:

In Café Leblanc, you have the option to cook various recipes. Cooking not only provides nourishment but also enhances your proficiency.

Answer questions correctly in class:

Pay attention during classroom sessions and answer questions correctly to improve your knowledge. Participate actively and raise your hand whenever you know the answer.

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Hang out with confidants:

Developing and deepening your relationships with confidants can unlock special abilities and boost your social stats. Spend time with them and engage in activities they enjoy.

Visit the doctor’s clinic:

The clinic is not only a place for healing but also an opportunity to increase your guts. Take the recommended medication to receive a boost in your guts stat.

Attend the Takemi medical trial:

Dr. Takemi occasionally conducts medical trials, and participating in them can improve your guts and gain you valuable rewards.

Join a club:

Joining a club at Shujin Academy allows you to engage in activities that improve specific social stats. Choose a club that aligns with the stat you want to increase.

Answer public phone booths:

Occasionally, you may come across public phone booths that ring. Answering these calls often leads to opportunities to boost your stats.

Complete Mementos missions:

Mementos missions offer a chance to enhance your social stats while also progressing through the game. Keep an eye out for these missions and complete them whenever possible.

Take the teacher’s special exams:

Some teachers in Persona 5 offer special exams. Prepare well and ace these exams to improve your knowledge and impress your teachers.

Visit the fortune teller:

The fortune teller can provide guidance and offer predictions. By following her advice and recommendations, you may see improvements in your social stats.

Participate in the batting cage:

The batting cage is an excellent place to improve your proficiency. Test your skills and aim for high scores to level up your batting abilities.

Help Sojiro in Café Leblanc:

Assisting Sojiro in the café not only strengthens your bond with him but also provides an opportunity to enhance your kindness.

Explore the airsoft shop:

The airsoft shop offers various items that can boost your social stats. Check out the available inventory and consider purchasing items that align with your desired stat increase.

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Attend the temple:

Visiting the temple allows you to meditate and reflect, boosting your kindness. Take a moment to find inner peace and see your kindness grow.

Utilize the plant nutrients:

Acquiring plant nutrients and using them on the plant in your room can accelerate the growth of your kindness stat. Keep an eye out for these items and apply them strategically.


Q: How long does it take to max out social stats in Persona 5?

A: The time required to max out your social stats depends on various factors, including your gameplay style and the strategies you employ. On average, it may take several in-game months to reach maximum levels in all social stats.

Q: Can I max out all social stats in a single playthrough?

A: It is challenging to max out all social stats in a single playthrough, as certain activities and confidant ranks are time-gated. However, with careful planning and efficient use of time, it is possible to come close to maxing out all stats.

Q: Which social stat is the most difficult to level up?

A: The kindness stat is often considered the most challenging to level up quickly. It requires consistent efforts and dedication to activities that promote kindness, such as donating to the shrine and taking care of the plant in your room.

Q: Can I max out social stats without neglecting confidants?

A: Balancing social stats and confidant relationships is crucial in Persona 5. While it may require careful time management and prioritization, it is possible to focus on both aspects simultaneously. Plan your activities wisely and make efficient use of your available time.

Q: Are there any items or abilities that can help boost social stats?

A: Yes, there are certain items and abilities that can assist in boosting social stats. For example, the Star confidant ability “Stellazio” can increase the growth rate of your social stats. Additionally, purchasing items from specific shops and vendors may provide temporary stat boosts.

Q: Can I max out social stats without New Game+?

A: While New Game+ offers certain advantages and carryover benefits, it is not essential to max out social stats. With proper time management and efficient utilization of available activities, you can still achieve maximum levels in all social stats in a single playthrough.


Maxing out your social stats in Persona 5 is a rewarding endeavor that opens up new opportunities and enhances your gameplay experience. By utilizing the strategies and techniques mentioned in this article, you can efficiently level up your knowledge, charm, proficiency, kindness, and guts.

Remember to plan your activities, balance your time wisely, and engage in a variety of in-game events to make the most of your social stat-building journey. Now, go out there and become a social superstar in Persona 5!Top of Form

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