How Do You Craft Ammo and Potions in Horizon Zero Dawn?

Horizon Zero Dawn is an exhilarating open-world action role-playing game that takes players on an epic journey through a post-apocalyptic world filled with mechanical beasts and stunning landscapes. As you traverse this vast and dangerous world as Aloy, the skilled hunter and archer, you’ll need to master various survival skills, including crafting ammo and potions to aid you in your battles. In this article, we will delve into “How Do You Craft Ammo and Potions in Horizon Zero Dawn?’, providing you with valuable insights and tips to enhance your gameplay.

How Do You Craft Ammo and Potions in Horizon Zero Dawn?

What is the crafting system in Horizon Zero Dawn?

The crafting system in Horizon Zero Dawn allows players to create various items, including ammo and potions, by utilizing resources found throughout the game world. It adds an immersive element to the gameplay, enabling you to tailor your arsenal and consumables to suit different combat situations and playstyles.

How do you access the crafting menu?

To access the crafting menu in Horizon Zero Dawn, follow these steps:

  • Press the designated button to open the inventory menu.
  • Navigate to the crafting section using the on-screen prompts or controller buttons.
  • Once in the crafting menu, you can select the desired ammo or potion to craft, provided you have the necessary resources.

Crafting Ammo

Which types of ammo can you craft?

In Horizon Zero Dawn, you can craft a variety of ammo types to complement your combat strategies. These include:

Arrow Types:
  • Regular Arrows: Basic ammunition for your trusty bow.
  • Fire Arrows: Inflict fire damage, ideal for igniting vulnerable machines.
  • Tearblast Arrows: Tear off armor and components from machines.
  • Precision Arrows: Enhanced accuracy for long-range shots.
  • Freeze Arrows: Freeze machines, temporarily immobilizing them.
Bolt Types (for the Tripcaster weapon):
  • Shock Bolts: Electrify machines, stunning them and leaving them vulnerable.
  • Blast Bolts: Cause explosive damage, effective against groups of enemies.
  • Freeze Bolts: Temporarily freeze machines, rendering them immobile.
Sling Ammo Types:
  • Blast Bombs: Explode on impact, dealing area-of-effect damage.
  • Freeze Bombs: Freeze machines, impeding their movements.
  • Fire Bombs: Inflict fire damage, causing continuous burning.

What resources are required for crafting ammo?

To craft ammo in Horizon Zero Dawn, you need to gather specific resources found in the game world. The required resources vary depending on the type of ammo you wish to create. Common resources include:

  • Blaze: A highly flammable substance obtained from machines. Used in crafting fire-based ammo.
  • Metal Shards: Common currency and crafting material. Found by looting machines, containers, and defeated enemies.
  • Ridgewood: A type of wood used for crafting arrows. Can be obtained by harvesting trees in the wilderness.
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These are just a few examples of the resources you may need for crafting ammo. Exploring the game world and defeating machines will grant you access to a wide range of materials.

How do you unlock new ammo types?

As you progress through the game and complete certain quests or defeat specific machines, you’ll unlock new ammo types for crafting. Pay attention to the information provided during the story and side missions, as they often offer opportunities to obtain new recipes. Additionally, interacting with fellow NPCs and traders may reveal valuable information regarding rare ammo recipes or resources.

Crafting Potions

What types of potions can you craft?

In Horizon Zero Dawn, potions, known as “Consumables,” provide temporary buffs and healing effects to aid you in battles. Some essential potions you can craft include:

  • Health Potions: Restore Aloy’s health when consumed, allowing her to withstand more damage.
  • Resistance Potions: Provide temporary resistance against specific elemental damage types, such as fire or freeze.
  • Focus Potions: Enhance Aloy’s focus ability, allowing her to detect machine weaknesses more easily or slow down time during critical moments.
  • Stealth Potions: Temporary cloaking potions that make Aloy harder for machines to detect, enabling silent takedowns and stealthy maneuvers.

What resources are required for crafting potions?

Crafting potions in Horizon Zero Dawn requires specific resources, which can be found throughout the game world. The resources needed for potion crafting may include:

  • Medicinal Herbs: Common plants with healing properties. Found in various regions and can often be identified by their distinct appearance.
  • Animal Resources: Some potions require animal-based resources, such as bones, skins, or organs. Hunting machines or wildlife can provide these materials.
  • Machine Parts: Certain potions may require components obtained by looting defeated machines. These components often possess unique properties.

It’s important to explore different regions and engage in hunting and combat to acquire the necessary resources for crafting potions.

How do you unlock new potion recipes?

Similar to unlocking ammo types, discovering new potion recipes in Horizon Zero Dawn typically involves progressing through the main story and completing side quests. Pay close attention to conversations with NPCs, as they often provide valuable information about new potion recipes or the locations of rare resources.

Gathering Resources

Where can you find resources for crafting?

Resources for crafting ammo and potions can be found throughout the diverse and expansive world of Horizon Zero Dawn. Some common locations to gather resources include:

  • Wilderness and Forested Areas: Explore forests and open areas to find medicinal herbs, ridgewood, and other natural resources.
  • Machine Encampments: Defeated machines often drop valuable resources, including machine parts and rare components.
  • Ruins and Buildings: Search abandoned structures and ruins for hidden containers and lootable objects that may contain crafting resources.

By thoroughly exploring the game world and engaging in combat, you’ll gradually accumulate the necessary resources for crafting.

Which machines drop valuable resources?

Certain machines in Horizon Zero Dawn drop valuable resources that are essential for crafting. These machines include:

  • Larger and More Powerful Machines: Engaging in battles with formidable machines, such as Thunderjaws or Stormbirds, can yield rare and valuable resources, including unique components and machine-specific resources.
  • Machine Components: Disassembling machines by targeting specific components can provide you with rare resources. Focus on shooting off specific armor pieces or weapons to maximize your resource gathering.

Be strategic in your combat approach and prioritize targeting vulnerable components to increase your chances of obtaining valuable resources.

Are there any rare resources to look out for?

Yes, there are several rare resources in Horizon Zero Dawn that can greatly enhance your crafting capabilities. Some notable examples include:

  • Chillwater: A rare liquid resource used in crafting freeze-based ammo and potions. It can be obtained by defeating certain machines or looting specific locations.
  • Sparker: A highly sought-after resource required for crafting fire-based ammo and potions. It can be obtained from machines or by looting certain areas.
  • Metal Vessel: A unique machine component used for crafting advanced ammunition. It can be obtained from specific machine types or by looting high-level machine encampments.
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Keep an eye out for these rare resources during your exploration and be prepared to engage in challenging battles to acquire them.

Crafting Modifications

How do you enhance your weapons and outfits with modifications?

Modifications in Horizon Zero Dawn allow you to enhance the performance of your weapons and outfits by providing additional attributes and bonuses. To apply modifications, follow these steps:

  • Open the inventory menu.
  • Navigate to the weapon or outfit you wish to modify.
  • Select the “Modify” option to access the modification menu.
  • Choose the desired modification and slot it into the available slots.
What types of modifications are available?

Horizon Zero Dawn offers various types of modifications to suit different playstyles and combat approaches. Some common types of modifications include:

  • Damage Boost: Increases the damage inflicted by your weapons.
  • Handling Boost: Enhances weapon handling and aiming stability.
  • Tear Boost: Improves tear damage, making it easier to strip armor and components from machines.
  • Stealth Boost: Provides bonuses to stealth-related attributes, such as silent movement or reduced detection range.
  • Resistance Boost: Increases resistance to specific elemental damage types.

These are just a few examples, and the game offers a wide range of modifications with different attributes to explore and experiment with.

Where can you find the necessary resources?

Resources required for crafting modifications can be found by looting machines, containers, and exploring the game world. Additionally, defeated machines often drop machine-specific modifications, which can provide unique bonuses and attributes. Keep an eye out for valuable loot during your encounters with machines and make sure to thoroughly explore areas to uncover hidden containers and rewards.

Upgrading Crafting Skills

How can you improve your crafting abilities?

In Horizon Zero Dawn, improving your crafting abilities is essential for creating more advanced and potent ammo and potions. To enhance your crafting skills, focus on the following aspects:

  • Skill Tree: Invest skill points in the crafting-related branches of the skill tree. Prioritize skills that increase resource gathering efficiency, reduce crafting costs, or unlock new recipes.
  • Exploration and Quests: Engage in exploration and complete quests to unlock new crafting recipes, gather rare resources, and discover hidden locations that offer valuable crafting-related rewards.

What skills should you prioritize for efficient crafting?

To optimize your crafting efficiency, consider investing in the following skills:

  • Gatherer: This skill reduces the time required to gather resources from downed machines, making resource gathering more efficient.
  • Tinker: Tinker reduces the number of resources needed to craft ammunition and potions, allowing you to conserve valuable materials.
  • Scavenger: Scavenger increases the chance of looting rare resources from defeated machines, improving your overall resource acquisition.

By prioritizing these skills, you’ll maximize your resource gathering, reduce crafting costs, and unlock new crafting options.

Are there any hidden crafting-related abilities?

Horizon Zero Dawn offers several hidden abilities that can greatly enhance your crafting experience. Keep an eye out for the following abilities:

  • Master Crafter: This ability allows you to craft multiple items at once, saving you valuable time during the crafting process.
  • Resourceful: Resourceful increases the chances of obtaining rare resources when looting machines or containers, ensuring a steady supply of valuable crafting materials.

These hidden abilities can be obtained by completing specific challenges, side quests, or by acquiring rare items scattered throughout the game world.

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Tips for Efficient Crafting

What strategies can you employ to optimize your crafting process?

To streamline your crafting process in Horizon Zero Dawn, consider the following strategies:

  • Preparation: Before embarking on a challenging mission or encounter, ensure you have sufficient ammo and potions. Stock up on resources and craft in advance to avoid running out in critical moments.
  • Resource Management: Manage your resources efficiently by focusing on crafting essential items. Prioritize the types of ammo and potions that align with your playstyle and combat preferences.
  • Crafting on the Go: Utilize the crafting menu during combat encounters to quickly replenish your ammo or potions. Be mindful of your surroundings and find a safe spot before accessing the menu.

Are there any shortcuts or time-saving techniques?

Horizon Zero Dawn offers a few shortcuts and time-saving techniques to expedite your crafting process:

  • Quick Crafting: Utilize the quick crafting feature to craft ammo or potions directly from the weapon wheel during combat. Assign frequently used crafting recipes to shortcut slots for easy access.
  • Fast Travel: Make use of fast travel points to quickly reach locations where you can access merchants and crafting stations. This can save you travel time and allow for efficient resupplying.

By utilizing these shortcuts and techniques, you’ll save valuable time and maintain your momentum in the game.

How can you manage your inventory effectively?

Inventory management is crucial for a smooth crafting experience in Horizon Zero Dawn. Here are some tips for effective inventory management:

  • Sell or Trade: Regularly sell or trade excess resources and unwanted equipment to merchants. This helps free up inventory space and provides you with additional shards to purchase necessary resources.
  • Upgrade Pouch Capacity: Increase your carrying capacity for resources, potions, and ammo by upgrading your pouches. This allows you to carry more items without frequent trips to merchants or crafting stations.
  • Prioritize Essential Items: Assign slots in your inventory for essential items like health potions and versatile ammo types. This ensures quick access during intense battles.

By employing efficient inventory management practices, you’ll maintain a well-organized inventory and be adequately prepared for any combat situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you obtain the necessary crafting resources?

To obtain the necessary crafting resources in Horizon Zero Dawn, you can:

  • Defeat machines and loot their components and resources.
  • Explore the game world and gather resources from plants, trees, and other natural sources.
  • Interact with merchants and traders to purchase resources.
Can you craft ammo and potions on the go?

Yes, you can craft ammo and potions on the go by accessing the crafting menu during combat encounters. This allows you to replenish your supplies quickly and adapt to changing battle situations.

Are there any limitations to crafting ammo and potions?

While crafting ammo and potions in Horizon Zero Dawn offers great flexibility, there are limitations to consider:

  • Crafting requires the necessary resources. If you lack specific resources, you won’t be able to craft certain ammo or potions until you acquire them.
  • Crafting takes time and may leave you vulnerable in combat. Find a safe spot or create distance from enemies before accessing the crafting menu.
Can you craft specialized ammo for specific machines?

Yes, you can craft specialized ammo types designed to exploit specific machine weaknesses. By understanding machine vulnerabilities and utilizing the appropriate ammo, you can increase your effectiveness in combat.

How do you unlock new recipes for crafting?

New crafting recipes can be unlocked by progressing through the main story, completing side quests, and interacting with NPCs and merchants. Pay attention to conversations and explore the game world thoroughly to uncover new recipes and resources.

Can modifications be removed once applied?

Yes, modifications can be removed from weapons and outfits. Simply access the modification menu, select the slot with the applied modification, and choose to remove it. Removed modifications will be returned to your inventory.


Crafting ammo and potions in Horizon Zero Dawn is an essential aspect of the game that allows you to tailor your combat approach and increase your chances of survival. By gathering resources, unlocking new recipes, and investing in crafting skills, you’ll be well-equipped to face the challenges of the machine-infested world.

Efficient resource management, strategic crafting, and effective inventory organization are key to ensuring you’re always prepared for battles. So gear up, explore the vast lands, and craft your way to victory in Horizon Zero Dawn!

Hope you now get to know “How Do You Craft Ammo and Potions in Horizon Zero Dawn?”!

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